Thursday, December 18, 2008

Squat Variations

Well, we have introduced 5 key exercises that we think are vital to your fitness program. We gave you the basic exercise and you should begin to master that, getting your form perfect. If you are not doing the exercise correctly, you may be hurting yourself rather than improving yourself. So now we are going to introduce some variations that make the exercise a bit more challenging. Again, if you find yourself not doing the exercise correctly, take a step back and do a less challenging variation or come to us for some help. In this blog we will take the squat and give you several variations- all challenging in their own ways. I have arranged them from the easiest to the most difficult- be smart and progress through them at your own pace and safely.

SPLIT SQUAT- The split squat is an exercise that incorporates both strength as well as balance. As you get better, you can raise your leg up on a box or bench behind you. Key is not to let your back knee touch the ground and to drive your weight up when you reach the bottom. Also, do not let your front knee go over your toes as this puts tremendous pressure on your ligaments.

SQUAT PRESS- This exercise is a total body exercise that works not only your legs and upper body but is a great core exercise. When you press overhead an unstable object (the dumbbells or med ball), your core muscles in your abs and back kick in to stabilize you. The most important thing to make sure is you stay back on your heels and not let the weight throw you forward. This is a fluid motion, not two exercises. Your momentum from driving up with your legs helps you press overhead.

SQUAT JUMPS- An excellent body weight exercise that builds explosive power in your hips and legs. Start this exercise with one jump, land and set again. Progress to repetitive jumps for a duration of 30 seconds to 1 minute. Careful attention to landing and squatting to produce the explosive energy. You must also make sure your squat form is perfect to prevent any damage.

LATERAL SQUAT- This exercise is both a strengthening and stretching exercise. You will feel one side working in your quads, hamstring and glutes but on the other leg you will feel a good stretch. As with all the exercises, careful attention must be paid to your form. You must make sure your knee on your squat side does not go over your toes. Make sure you are sitting back into your glutes. Your stretching leg must stay straight and keep your head and chest up.

MESSY SQUAT- Okay, so not sure where the name came from but this is a great exercise for anyone that is in a squat or down position- catchers, field positions, lineman. This exercise has you squat and shift your weight making this a proprioceptive (balance) exercise as well as a strengthening exercise. This exercise will really get your glutes working! You will feel it in your butt for sure!!You know the drill, make sure form is perfect!!!

SQUAT WITH MEDICINE BALL CHASE- This exercise is a great explosive exercise to work on your acceleration- base running, defense on the field, fast breaks, off the line, you name it- this is a great exercise that helps all sports! The med ball does not have to be super heavy so don't kill yourself with too much weight- its more the explosive power that is the importance of this exercise. Starting position is with ball at chest level, split squat position. Squat down and back and excel up and at the same time press the ball forward at the 45 degree angle. Use this momentum to accelerate to the chase part of the exercise. Key is to throw the ball at a 45 degree angle. You are not looking to catch the ball before it lands- you are just looking to catch up to the ball.

PERPENDICULAR ROTATION SQUAT- Okay, so its a mouthful but it may be my new favorite exercise. The purpose of this exercise is not only core strength, lower body strength but also incorporates upper body mobility and strength!! Okay, so maybe you don't think its something to be excited about but I am!! Think about your sport- they all have rotation involved, and many rely on your rotational mobility. Take a baseball player at bat. The rotation that occurs to assist in producing the power to make contact to the ball must be optimal to produce the greatest amount of force capable. If you don't have the mobility, you can't produce the power. Simple concept but hard to achieve. But this exercise can help with that! Hence my excitement!!

BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT (SQUAT WITH BACK LEG RAISED UP)- This exercise is incorporating some core stability and balance into your traditional split squat. Begin this exercise with no weights and then you can add dumbbells at your side and then progress to upper body exercises along with squat such as curl to press, overhead press, one dumbbell in one hand to challenge balance even more. Progress as you feel comfortable. Key to this is to make sure your front leg is far enough out in front to ensure your not going over your toes with your knee placing too much stress on your ACL. Please pay careful attention to Steven's form in the video.

SINGLE LEG SQUAT- Single leg exercises are a vital component to any athletic strength program yet is often overlooked and not done. This exercise is the foundation to beginning to become efficient at a single leg squat- an extremely important exercise. Find a bench or box and put pads, books, etc. as needed. Your form for this squat is no different than your regular squat in that your knee must not go over your toe, you keep a straight spine and keep it erect- do not flex at your hips. One common mistake to performing this is to rock yourself up- this is incorrect and you need more height in the platform. The power is coming through your legs through the floor to push you up- no upper body movement is performed to assist.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Exercise Programs- 5 exercises every program should have

Exercise programs whether it be for power, increasing speed or vertical, weight loss or just a program aimed at making you stronger and better at your sport, each needs to have “staple” exercises. As a staff, we have come up with 5 exercises that we think any and every exercise program should have. In this blog we will introduce the exercise and then in the next weeks, we will elaborate on how to make these exercises more challenging and add variations to them. As with any exercise- the key is to do them properly. Any exercise not done correctly can cause more harm than good. Start each of these with 3 sets of 8 and as you get better work up to reps of 12-20.


STARTING POSITION: Stand with arms straight out parallel to ground

PROCEDURE: Initiating movement with hips, squat back and down until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to standing position by pushing through the hips

* Front of knees should not go past the tip of your toe- causes too much stress on ligaments
* Do not let your knees collapse in (knock kneed position). Think pushing out
* Keep chest up and back flat- find a spot up on ceiling or high on wall to help keep your eyes and chest up
* Heels should stay on the ground at all times

MUSCLES WORKED: Quads, glutes (buttocks), hamstring


STARTING POSITION: Standing with feet hip width apart and knees unlocked, holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides. Set you feet hip width apart, with your legs in a fixed position but not locked at the knees

PROCEDURE: Shift your hips back and lower the dumbbells while keeping your back flat
Return to standing position by contracting your hamstrings and glutes

* Do not let your back round during the movement
* Keep the dumbbells close to your body, touching or almost touching your legs all the way up and down
* Keep your shoulder blades back and down throughout the movement

MUSCLES WORKED: Glutes, Hamstrings and Back


STARTING POSITION: Standing with arms to side

PROCEDURE: Step forward and lower hips to the floor by bending the front knee without letting the back leg touch the ground, return to the starting position by pushing back with the front leg
Alternate legs and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions

* Do not let the front knee slide forward over the toes
* Do not let front knee collapse to the inside
* Keep chest up- to help with this find something to look at high on a wall or ceiling
* Keep glute (buttocks) in back leg contracted (tight)

MUSCLES WOKRED: Glutes, hamstrings, and quads




Pull Up: Hanging from a pullup bar with palms facing away from you and slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Inverted row: Position the bar at hip height and sit on the floor beneath it. Grab the bar wider than shoulder width.

Pull Up: Keeping body and legs still, pull chest to bar. Return to start position and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions
Inverted Row: Keeping your legs straight and your core tight, use your back muscles to pull your chest to the bar. (Look up, not at the bar.) Then lower back down to the starting position.

* Extend arms completely after each repetition
* Do not swing body or legs during exercise

MUSCLES WORKED: Back and arms


Push up position- if you need to start from knees do so

With your belly button drawn in, lower yourself to where your chest barely grazes the floor,
Control as you push back up, holding your belly button in and pushing your sternum as far away from the floor as possible

* Keep your body straight from ear to ankle

MUSCLES WORKED: core, chest, shoulders, arms